
在主裡的時刻---讀經禱告 A quiet time with the Lord...Bible reading and prayer

The LinZhiNei Church had launched a Bible reading program in year 2010,calling every church member to take part in it.  Speed-read the Bible in one year.  This year?  To finish reading the Bible in two years is our new challenge...


教會推行每日讀經從年初到聖誕前夕(12/23),除了暑期夏令營及特別假日,週一至週五晚上七點半至九點,讀經,經節分享及禱告。感謝主!弟兄姊妹持續 不斷的參加,平時十多位,最後結束的那天,也有十六位。他們有始有終,感謝主!藉著讀經,大家對上帝的心意更加清楚,也藉著禱告,把教會的各樣事工,弟兄 姊妹的需要,帶到主的面前。經過禱告,許多的事情得蒙垂聽。大家經歷上帝的信實與慈愛。
A daily Bible reading had been carried out from the beginning of the year and ended on Christmas Eve (12/23). The daily Bible Study was from 7:30-9:00 p.m. Monday to Friday, except summer camps and special holidays. We studied the Bible, shared our thoughts and prayed for all the different needs of our church. Praise the Lord! There were usually a dozen brothers and sisters met for Bible Study and we even had sixteen attendees on the last day of the Bible Study.  We praise God for the brothers and sisters' power of persistence! The will of God had become known to us through daily Bible reading, and  the church's various ministries and the needs of brothers and sisters had been brought to the presence of God. Many of the prayers had been answered. We all experienced God's faithfulness and love.
