
鄉土味的聖誕糕----要來林子內教會才可以吃到的喔!A local flavor Christmas steamed cake...can only be found at LinZhiNei Church

今 年的聖誕節比較特別,要送給林子內村民的禮物─黑糖加蜜糕,
This year's Christmas was quite special, every household was given home-made brown sugar honey cakes as Christmas gifts.

由教會自己做,不在外訂購。跟據牧師統計, 一盒裡裝六個蜜糕,一家送一盒,全村加白河幾戶人家,總共要一百多盒。結果,由吳老師領軍,先把蜜糕的份量制定好,教會弟兄姊妹依照指示,完成整個製造過 程,結果,今年做了一百一十盒。這些黑糖加蜜糕當天晚上報佳音時,就送到村民手中。

 According to statistics with pastor Hsiao, six honey cakes would fill a box and each family would receive one box. The whole village plus a few households from the town of Baihe would add up to more than 100 boxes. As a result, brothers and sisters made one hundred and ten boxes under the instructions of teacher Wu. These honey cakes were finally hand-delivered to the villagers on caroling night.
