
新年新氣象---辦公室煥然一新喔!Wow, New Year, new look for our office!

Thanks to Yi Zhong and teacher Wu for bringing back the new office furniture from Tainan! Thanks to Cool Dad, Cool Mom....the church young people....everyone's hard work!
After Sunday service on January 2, everybody started to get busy inside and outside of the office...After three days of sorting out things, the new office finally finished! Next, it's to beautify the office bit by bit slowly!

辦公室的改變(Changes in the office)
Perfect timing for our office makeover! It's so nice to see the office gets a makeover. It looks more organized, clean and presentable now. The used furniture was removed from our another recently closed location in Tainan City. Thanks to the Lord for His provision and for a great team work. Looking back on the process, it's tiresome but it's well worth. Every member of the team was indispensable and irreplaceable. We now enjoy seeing the results of our team efforts. Check out our office's before and after.


